Additional Information and Disclaimers
Before registering for THRIVE, I would like to share with you some information and disclaimers. I know it’s a lot to read, but 1. the legal end of things require that I do this, and 2. I feel like it's important that you have all of the information to make an informed decision that is right for you.
Medical Disclaimer
I, (Karmen Naccarato, author) am not a medical doctor, nor am I a licensed therapist. The opinions expressed in THRIVE reflect my personal experiences and research. The information contained within THRIVE is not a substitute for qualified medical advice or mental health care. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider or therapist with any questions regarding a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment. Before ingesting anything, like flower essences or gem elixirs, or changing your diet, be mindful of your current medications and health conditions. Please use caution if you are pregnant or nursing. If you have any questions or concerns, please do your own research and check with your doctor or other qualified medical practitioner. Before using any information contained in THRIVE concerning your physical, mental, or emotional health, check with your doctor or therapist and see if it is appropriate for your health and well-being.
Sometimes when we begin to do deep personal work we may become triggered by past trauma or become emotional and need additional support from a licensed therapist. If you require this, please do not hesitate to contact a qualified therapist in your area for support.
Below are some links to free services if you find yourself in a crisis situation.
If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911 immediately.
If we talk about healing work, this is a term to describe spiritual or personal work you choose to engage in your own healing journey. We may also be discussing alternative healing practices. I do not promise that anything we discuss will heal or cure any illness or disease. Whatever alternative healing that may be discussed is NOT a substitute for medical care from a qualified medical provider or therapist. It is my heartfelt belief that while alternative healing practices may be useful and assist us in our healing journey, they are to be used to compliment allopathic (mainstream) medicine, not to replace it.
Free Will
I am a big fan of free will and people being responsible for their energy and choices. The information contained within the THRIVE course is intended to be information for you to sift through and consider. If something does not resonate with you or if your intuition feels off about something, please listen to that. That is your Higher Self directing you. It is so important that we follow those inner promptings and learn to trust our gut feelings about things. I wholeheartedly support your choices in knowing what is right for you. Take what you can use and leave the rest.
THRIVE Contains “Woo-Woo”
THRIVE contains metaphysical “woo-woo” that I have found to be helpful in my personal life. I share it with you in the spirit of sharing my experiences that may be helpful or interesting to you. I consider it a launching point for your own discovery process. If there are parts that are too “woo-woo” for you, take what you can use and leave the rest. I always welcome the opportunity to chat about ways to make what I teach useful to your unique situation and personal path.
Links and Affiliates
The links I share in THRIVE are links that I have found useful in explaining much more in depth some of the topics and concepts we cover in the course. While I find these links and products useful, they are not affiliate links and I am not receiving any compensation from sharing these links and products with you. I share them in the spirit of resources I have found useful in my own journey. I never endorse a product or service that I would not purchase for myself.
IF I were to be affiliated with a product, service, or website and received financial compensation from that, I would let you know this as part of my disclaimers. At this time I have no such affiliation with any of the products, services, or websites contained within THRIVE.
The information contained in THRIVE comes from the last several years of my own research into how to interact with Mercury Retrograde. Know that your experience may be different than mine, as we are all unique individuals. I am always open to feedback as to how this information works or doesn’t work for you.
Your Privacy
I value your privacy and as such, it is important to me to provide a safe and supportive group experience if you are working through the THRIVE material in groups online or in person. I personally am committed to keeping anything you share with me close to my heart and confidential. I will always ask for permission before sharing any of your feedback or stories, for example, in the event that this course becomes a book. I do welcome submissions of your story working with THRIVE that may be used in a book or to improve the course.
People may share personal experiences within a group environment. This is why confidentiality is so important. What is shared within a group setting needs to stay in the group and not be shared outside of the group. While you are welcome to share your own personal experiences, it is never ok to share other group members’ information or experiences with others. I ask that group members’ commit to this in the spirit of people feeling comfortable to share their hearts and connect with one another. Sharing can be powerful and we often learn so much from sharing with one another. I hope that by everyone agreeing to this confidentiality we are able to facilitate an open, loving, and supportive group experience for everyone.
Time Commitment
THRIVE is designed to be self-paced (online) or taught during a short workshop (which also includes access to the online materials). It is my hope that I designed THRIVE in a way to be flexible for you and depend on how deeply you want to engage with the material. Keep in mind that with having the information contained within THRIVE, you always have the opportunity to go deeper the next time Mercury is retrograde. Much of the information is useful even when Mercury is not retrograde. Anytime we are working on our own personal journey it is like the layers of an onion. We work with one layer and then the next. Not all of the layers at the same time. That would be too much change all at once. So please be gentle with yourself and most importantly don’t stress yourself out. I hope you will engage with the material in THRIVE in a way you are comfortable with and choose the activities that sound appealing to you. This is a big reason why once you are in THRIVE you get to stay and receive any future updates!
I hope some of the tools in THRIVE become part of your routine even when Mercury is not retrograde. Many of the suggested activities in the course are ones that I share with my one-on-one clients to use even when Mercury is not retrograde.
Shamanic Journeying Not Required
Throughout THRIVE I will reference shamanic journeying. Shamanic journeying is the foundation of many of my classes. If you do not know how to engage in the practice of shamanic journeying, that is definitely NOT a problem. Where you see me mention shamanic journeying, substitute meditating or journaling.
Included in the course materials is a 15 minute shamanic drumming track. If you do not know how to use it for shamanic journeying, you can use it during meditation. Write down a statement in your journal about what your intent or focus is. Be aware of what insights come forward while listening to the drumming and focusing on your intent. Journal your experience afterwards.
If you are unfamiliar with what shamanic journeying is, I have included a section at the end of THRIVE to talk a little bit about what it is and how it is used.
Facebook Group Information
If you are in the THRIVE Facebook group, know that it’s privacy settings are set to CLOSED. This means that while people can see who is in the group, no one can see the content of the group without being a member. By being a closed group, membership requires approval by me. Only those who have signed up for the course will have access to the Facebook group.
I will be checking into the THRIVE Facebook group during Mercury Retrogrades. If you have anything that you want me to see, please tag me; otherwise, I may not see it.
I hope that members of the Facebook group will pop in and share their experiences or photos as well as become a support to one another. Be mindful of each other and don’t let folks fall through the cracks. Ideally, THRIVE is not a spectator or lurker group. We need to hear your unique voice! When you receive support or make a request, find three ways you can interact with others in the group. Offer words of kindness or support, or even something as simple as saying you understand or a sticker comment. As much as you want to feel seen, witnessed, and heard, so do others.
The Facebook group is completely optional. Its main intent is to give people the opportunity to connect with others working with THRIVE for a sense of community and support.
To Recieve Updates
To receive updates and access to the THRIVE Facebook group, you will need to fill out a survey at the end of THRIVE. This helps give me vital feedback that I use to improve the content of THRIVE. My thanks and appreciation for this important information is giving you the newest content and updates for THRIVE absolutely free. People who choose not to fill out the survey will be removed from the Facebook group and will not receive future updates.
One Last Thing
By participating in THRIVE, you are confirming that you have read all of the information above and agree to work with the content in THRIVE based on the above information.
If you have any questions or concerns that come up during THRIVE, please do not hesitate to connect with me.