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In this summer course, you will learn:

• How to deeply connect with the plant and tree spirits.

• Connecting to the environment around you.

• Interpreting messages from birds, animals, and insects that may show up while you're working with the plant spirits.

• How to navigate the Middle World using shamanic journeying (you must already know how to engage in shamanic journeying).

• How plant spirits can be our teachers and the lessons we can learn from them.

• How we can receive healing from the plants by working directly with the spirit of the plant.

• Why it’s important to build a reciprocal relationship with the plant spirits and how to do it.

• How plants can become our allies to help us in all areas of our lives, giving us guidance, support, protection, and information.

• How Animism plays a role in working with the plants and trees, the environment you’re in, animals that show up, and even how things like the laughter of children or planes, cars, etc.

• How to connect with plants not only in the wild, but in your own backyard, garden, parks, and urban environments.

• Ways to work with plant spirits by making teas, tinctures, oils, flower essences, and more.


• 30+ short videos of instruction (from 30 seconds to 30 minutes).

• 1 60 minute private session with me through Zoom video conferencing to personalize your experience. ($150 value).

• 63 page downloadable plant spirit journal with instructions.

• 4 Downloadable tutorials.

• 5 Downloadable plant profiles.

• Suggestions for homework to deepen your experience.

• Recommended book list.

• Lifetime Access: You'll receive all future updated course materials and get to participate in the course year after year at no additional cost to you, even if the price of the course goes up.

Bonus: Additional 1 hour Zoom video calls available for $50 (as many as you like). To be used specifically for your work with the plants. These must be used during the duration of the course.

Shamanic journeying greatly improves your experience of this course. If you don't know how to do shamanic journeying, I offer a private 2-hour session through Zoom. This includes a 46 page digital or printed handout and support through a private Facebook group where you will also be able to connect with a community of people. Investment: $200 (in addition to the plant course).

Questions? Please use the form below.
Self-paced online course from May - September taught through a private Facebook group and Zoom video conferencing. May include possible in person field trips depending on weather and smoke conditions.

For questions or to
register, fill out form below.

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